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  • I wanted to thank you for the love, kindness and thoughtfulness you showed us. The extra care you take to make sure our baby girls were doing well and safe always made us feel reassured and comforted. You are amazing!
    Brittany & Jonathan C.
  • Thank you for calming my fears during my labor. I really felt like you were there for ME, and not just because it was your job. We really appreciate all you do.
    Casey, Alicia & baby Kayla K.
  • Thank you so much for your kindness, understanding, and care. I am so glad God allowed our paths to cross. You are a awesome and wonderful person. With a grateful heart.
    Sherry S.

Powerful Momma

Client Experience

Cutie on Duty

Client Experience

Cutting the Cord

Client Experience

Welcome to the Family

Birth Announcements

New Mom

Client Experience

New Dad!

Birth Announcements

Hello Baby!

Client Experience

Ready for Birth?

Join our Lamaze Childbirth Education class and be ready for your birth and parenting journey.