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Water Birth Pool Rental

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drug free method of pain management

Only two practices in Greensboro offer water birth as a delivery option:
  • Women's Hospital Faculty Practice 
  • Wendover OB/GYN  

Women's Hospital of Greensboro offers a water birth experience but requires parents to purchase their own pool and supplies which can be very costly.

For mothers that want the waterbirth experience but not the expense, 4 Moms 2 Be™ offers a pool rental and management service.

Please note: certain medical conditions do not allow for a water birth, please check with your health care provider.   
Experience the benefits of water birth :
  • Increased comfort and mobility 
  • Reduced stress and promotes relaxation 
  • Helps relax pelvic floor 
  • Helps tissue stretch 
  • Reduces the need for interventions 
  • Reduces cesarean section rates 
  • Provides a drug free method for of pain management 
  • An easier transition from the "Womb to Room"
Key Points

Pool Rental Options

Our all-inclusive pool rental includes required supplies including the hoses, scoop net, thermometer, sink adapter, air and drain pump. Click here for more details on birth pool rental and reservations.

Please note: The Magnolia Birth Center requires a tub manager. 

Security Deposit

No security deposit is required but rentals must be paid-in-full before the 37th week of pregnancy .

As part of the rental agreement, you understand that if the pool is returned damaged in any way, your credit card will be charged a $250 damage fee.

Refund Policy

The rental fee is NON-REFUNDABLE except in the circumstance:
  • You no longer meet the criteria as a water birth candidate as deemed by your OB provider or Women's Hospital prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy, and you have NOT take possession of the pool. An 80% refund will be given within 30 days. 
  • You no longer meet the criteria as a water birth candidate as deemed by your OB provider or Women's Hospital after 37 weeks of pregnancy a refund will NOT be given, but you can receive two (2) free visits for either postpartum care or lactation consultations with 4 Moms 2 Be™.
  • Pool manager does not show up, a full refund will be given within 30 days of delivery. This does not apply if you do not notify the pool manager in a timely manner. 

Delivery Area

All Inclusive package includes delivery within the Greensboro area. Delivery in the Triad, but outside of the Greensboro area, is an additional charge of $15.00 each way.

Puncturing the Pool

Each pool is inflated and inspected to ensure there are no defects. Please use common sense precautions to minimize the risk of puncturing:
  • Keep pets away from the pool, both in storage and when inflated
  • Prepare the floor where the pool will be, i.e., sand, vacuum, sweep thoroughly to remove sharp objects 
  • If the pool is going on a floor that might have jagged edges, be sure to cover the floor with plastic sheet or cloth first
  • Take care when handling the pool. We advise against moving the pool between rooms when inflated to avoid unnecessary wear and tear
  • Remove all jewelry prior to using the pool

Ease of Set Up

All of our pools are designed to be set up in less than 20 minutes, though the filling may take an hour or so depending the water source. Each birth pool comes with detailed care instructions.

Water Temperature

The birth pool should be filled at the temperature intended for use. 

When you are in the birthing pool, you should feel comfortable, but not too warm. In labor, the water should be maintained according to your comfort between 95-100°C MAXIMUM. You should always use the thermometer provided with your supply kit to measure the water temperature. Temperature monitoring every hour and adjusting temperature by removing and adding water can be attended to effectively by the woman's doula, partner or family member without great difficulty. 

We recommend that you keep a clean bucket handy to empty water before topping up, if the water level is already at the recommended maximum.

DO NOT USE A HEATER with the Birth Pool. There is a risk of melting the wall of the pool, creating a hole in the pool and posing significant risk of shock.

Use for Labor and Birth

You can use the pool to find the most comfortable positions to labor and/or give birth. Having a birth pool does not mean that you will need or want to have a water birth. The benefits of labor in water alone are worth the investment. 

Your partner or birthing companion may get in the pool to help support you, or provide support/massage from outside the pool according to preference. Some women like to hold onto something solid when they are in the pool and the sturdy handles are designed for this purpose.

Depth & Size

The depth of water in your birth pool is an important consideration, especially if you are planning on giving birth to your baby in the pool. A woman needs at least 18" of water in order for the buoyancy effect of water to benefit her labor. For birth in the pool, it is critical that the baby remain completely underwater until its head is deliberately brought to the surface, hence minimizing the potential for the breathe reflex to be stimulated underwater. 

All of our pools provide a minimum of 20" of water depth.

Filling & Emptying

Fill your pool with the hose that is included with the package supplies. It is connected to faucet a tap connector. Filling time varies widely according to the water pressure. Never pour boiling water near the sides or near a person in the pool.

For a first-time mother, a good guideline is to begin filling when contractions are regular and between 3-4 minutes apart for one hour. For subsequent births, begin filling the birthing pool when contractions are 5 minutes apart.

For emptying - this is a question of convenience versus cost. If you’re giving birth in a hospital or birth center, you will need to empty, pack up and remove the pool from the room quickly to make it available for others.


In many cases you will give birth before needing to worry about the water, but all standing water needs be treated with chemicals or drained and refilled every 48 hours. You do this to keep bacteria from growing in the pool. We do NOT recommending treating with chemicals because they produce a gas that is harmful if inhaled or ingested.  

Insurance Coverage

Some insurance companies have realized that the benefits of a water birth is less expensive than an epidural or narcotics. Therefore, a few insurance companies will offer reimbursement for pool rental. 

We suggest calling your insurance carrier to see if your policy has this coverage. 4 Moms 2 Be™ will NOT bill or communicate with your insurance company on your behalf. We will provide you with an invoice stating that you rented a piece of durable medical equipment (DME), which was used for the purpose of therapeutic pain management.

Labor Your Way!

Experience a drug-free, relaxing birth with one of our rental pools.